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You asked for it and finally, thanks to the efforts and work of Michele Otey of, we are glad to offer the best replica of a Ginny Wig you will find anywhere! As close to the look and appearance of the vintage 1950's Ginny, this wig can also be used on Muffie (Muffy) and similar sized dolls. Even the cap and top stitching duplicates the look of yesteryear and will fit all 8" dolls with a head circumference of 5-6". You can also use this wig on some of today's modern dolls as well. Made of the finest quality mohair, this wig is available in five colors.

Remember, you can mix and match all styles, sizes and colors in the TONI WIG category to reach the 12+ price discount.

  • Model: 1093

Starting at: $24.85

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20% off wigs for 8\" dolls when you purchase 12 or more
Buy 12 or more, get 20% discount
  Purchase 12 or more wigs from the Wigs for 8" Dolls Category, mix and match styles, sizes and colors as desired and receive a 20% discount as displayed and applied at checkout.

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