12" French Fashion Walking Suit Pattern from Stitches in Time

12" French Fashion Walking Suit Pattern from Stitches in Time
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This is exciting!! Dollspart's Sew Stylish, in collabation with Sheryl Nelson, is so proud to offer this exquisite pattern for a circa 1870 three piece silk walking suit for your 12" French Fashion doll. Sheryl Nelson, extremely well known and respected in the doll world for drafting pattern replicas of antique fashions and original fashion creations has perfected this pattern from the antique original costume that appears in FlorenceTheriault's Stitches in Time (pg. 31 and available through Dollspart). We offer this fantastic pattern to you consisting of clear step by step directions, pattern pieces and illustrations for the jacket, skirt, bustle, and hat. When completed, your costume will be absolutely lovely, featuring a skirt with a flat front and vertical strips over a shirred front border and two ruffled tiers of trim that alternate colors, a bustle with a contrasting shirred border and looped drapes with bows in the front of the bustle to loop across the skirt front. The matching fitted jacket has contrasting vertical strips on the sleeves, contrasting turn-up cuffs and the extended jacket back has a box pleat with contrasting bands of trim and bows. The jacket has a pleated standing collar in the back with a v-shaped collar in the front with a contrasting trim strip around the complete neckline. This pattern was designed to fit the 9 Seeley french fashion lady body. Please measure leather bodies, bodies like the UF body and/or antique bodies and adjust according to your individual body size prior to cutting your fine fabrics. This elegant walking costume is remarkable for its elaborate construction and decorative details and will be topped off with the instructions to make a wired tricorn hat with flowers. A costume to more than please any little French Fashion lady.

  • Model: DP101


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